Friday, February 24, 2012

1 year pics

Our friend Robyn who took Jaxon's 4 month pictures did another wonderful job with Jaxon's 1 year pictures.  The weather had been great for a week leading up to taking pictures and then the day we want to take pictures a cold front has come through and it is quite cool and the cloudy.  The pictures were still great.  I had a hard time choosing my favorites because there were so many that turned out.

My absolute favorite!

11 Months

Well it has almost been a year since we welcomed our sweet little boy into the world.  He has changed so much in the last 11 months it is crazy.  In the last month and a half he has gone from a baby to a toddler which is exciting and bittersweet all at the same time.  Here are just a few of his latest accomplishments.

11 months:
*3 teeth
*says "Momma", "Dada", "Duke", "Nana" for banana
*Sign: More, All Done
*transitioning to big people food
*does not like pasta
*LOVES bananas

I tried taking a picture of him in his 11 month onsie but he is so active right now this is the best I could get.  :)

Blurry because he would not stay still.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

10 months already!!

Wow!  These past 10 months have flown by.  In just 2 short months my sweet little boy will be 1 year old!  It makes me a little sad that he is growing out of that little baby stage and into the mobile, playful, active toddler.  I am however, looking forward to this next stage.  He is so much fun right now and does something new and hilarious everyday.  Tonight for example he discovered that he could make this really cool noise with his mouth.  We spent several minutes in the bath tub making "farting" noises on the side of the tub.  I wish I had had my phone with me to record.  Brett and I were in tears we were laughing so hard. 

10 Months:
*2 teeth on bottom and working on top teeth (oh how fun that is!)
*standing alone
*taking 4-5 steps unassisted, but can walk holding your hand or pushing a toy
(We are going to be in trouble the minute he starts walking because the boy has got some wheels.  I have never seem a baby move that fast!)
*loves his blanket
*loves his bed
*is very much a ham and loves to have your attention (something he got from Uncle Blake and Aunt Sarah)
*says "Mamama"  and "Dada"

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year!

Ok, it's a new year and I am making a resolution to keep this more updated.  Jaxon is doing something new everyday and I am going to try my very best to keep everyone up to date.  We had a wonderful Christmas break visiting family and enjoying our first Christmas together as a family of 3.  It really was the best first Christmas.  He loved playing in the wrapping paper scraps and tissue paper.  Below are some pictures from Christmas and our 9 month picture.

Wanting some of Daddy's popcorn!

Riding on my car from Marmie

 Opening up our Christmas Eve pajamas

Santa visited

 Riding in my car from Aunt Candy and Uncle Clay

I love my new red wagon!